Thursday, September 9, 2010

on burning holy books, or: how to create a media buzz.

referring to the post below -- i just saw on the CNN webpage that there now is a Press Review up "Who will stop 'crazy' Quran-burning priest?" (link)

as noted below, the church has a sign up with the mission statement: "Dove World Outreach Center". reading this now again, it's hard to escape the fact that they for sure found a way to provoke huge media coverage for his statements, and ways to "reach out" into the world. as CNN states in the Press Review: "Newspapers from the town at the center of the Florida Quran-burning controversy and across the Muslim world have expressed outrage over a church's plan to set fire to copies of the Muslim holy book on the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks."

we are talking about 1 person here, and about an event that hasn't even happened. the focus of the discussion is: "Many papers question why U.S. authorities are powerless to prevent burning". my question would be: why give such huge coverage to statements / an event that probably would have gone unnoticed without the coverage, and that sparks angry protests now across the world, which again gives more attention? this church managed to set a whole media machine in motion and the coverage they receive is "priceless" in a very disturbing way.

i guess i will write a letter to CNN. see if they answer.

okay. letter is sent. the CNN online contact page is: link.


Sherry O'Keefe said...

good for you, good for us!

i just now read a headline that says the burning is off....

don't suppose there will be a lot of news about that then...

daniela elza said...

yes, this is how easy the media is. the sensation will always win. no matter how small or despicable.

good for you for writing to them