2 time/lines
friday morning. an open sky with 2 lines. the sun rising at half past 6 in the morning now, and sets at half past 6 in the evening. so the mornings come with earlier light now, which will last another week - then the switch to summertime will move the sunrise back to later.
3 links
- i put some notes on the process of the new blueprintreview issue together: Diary of... notes
- photo friday's new challenge theme is online: Unwind
- words without borders has a compelling article on the Poet as Translator
a string of thought on translating the world into words
on poems as way to exchange of gifts, of experience, all quotes are from the poet/translator article by Malena Morling (which includes so many good lines and quotes that i am tempted to quote it all).
"Perhaps it is possible that our minds move too directly to our writing and therefore we often miss our poem in its utmost compelling state."
"A poem is a manifestation of an invisible poem that exists beyond the conventional languages." (Tomas Tranströmer)
"This possibility suggests a fundamental kind of exchange, an exchange of gifts so to speak, poems as gifts, the giving and receiving of the world of images, and things, that is, in some ways at the heart of translation."
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