Wednesday, April 4, 2012

poetry is

i revisited the blog posts of April 2011 today, and arrived at a tulip image - they are just at the same stage of growth now, only that it is raining.

and another find: 2 quotes from interviews with poets, both with lines on the nature of poetry:

"I believe that poetry is a dialogue with the world, made public. I need time to listen and to watch the world’s body language from a point of silence. I need time to consider things that I thought were unequivocal, but turned out not to be. Some poems interpret the world for us. I like, and strive to write, poems that present the world in its complexity for interpretations." - Ren Powell, in Writing Our Way Back Home

"Poetry is everywhere. It is inside of us. It is a certain way of attending to the world. The work is how to bring it out into the word, and lay it on the page. It is a commitment. It is both full of effort and effortless. It is transformative." - Daniela Elza, in Poemeleon

& a poem from BluePrintReview #27:
Temenos by Daniela Elza + Robin Susanto

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