today: blue summer sky
today: memories of driving through Lanzarote island
today: the world, in an ongoing stream of painful news
today: the beauty and cruelty of the human mind.
today: reading Nadine Gordimer.
today: the next thing on the to-do-list
today: pink flowers in the garden
today: "and how are you?" - "okay, apart from the world"
today: july 18
today: sky friday.
the news about the missing plane, and that it might have been shot down, i heard it while driving through a forest yesterday evening. such a terrible tragedy. and to think, to plan and pack
for a journey, to leave, and then to lose your life on the way - and
probably by mistake. and then there
is Israel and Gaza. and so many small tragedies that happen without ever reaching the news. but then, there are also so many beautiful and inspiring stories - which don't make the news, either. today i am glad for the garden here, the colors it offers, the daylilies in bloom. and for skywatch friday, with its positive vibe around the world.
Yes, those terrible tragedies and immense beauty and joy, they all exist in the same universe. We better enjoy the good moments while they last.
Yes. As Merton said, it is important to learn to hold the dark and the light together. That's a beautiful peaceful photograph for today -- thank you.
The beauty of nature mixed with human sorrows and folly... truly bittersweet.
I can sure see why you're a writer. Such pathos yet beauty in your simple words. It can be so hard to express our feelings over such shocking and unimaginable tragedies, no matter how alarming their frequency.
Beautiful, evocative photo, too.
thanks for the feedback. and writing about the tragedy - at first i thought: "sky friday on such a sad day?" - but then i thought: yes, today. because going mute doesn't help. it's connecting and sharing the thougths and emotions that helps on days like this one, and reminds that the world is also a beautiful one.
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