Sunday, August 24, 2014

architecture, face & facade, and: "hey architects"...

the new photo friday theme is "Architecture". such a vast theme - where to start here? i started to browse files, and then arrived in Paris, in this moment that crosses from old to new architecture - and when you look closely, in the reflection you see a  building crane:

and a second moment from Paris. again, a mix of old and new, and also a play with the concepts of house facade and face:


The future of architecture?
The theme of architecture, without knowing that it is upcoming, it also developed in my photo blog in the last days, and following the architecture tag there, i arrived at archithoughts architecture blog that linked to this interesting article: "Hey architects, the future of architecture is not about you" by Andy Schellenbaum, about a new energy in architecture:
"In the last few years, people have started to shake the pillars architecture sits on, building their own weird little houses, crowdfunding their own architectural projects, and using buildings to solve small-scale problems. Architecture started gurgling up from the grasses; non-architects began building community centers in Haiti and apartments made of garbage Dumpsters in New York. These projects are not blessed by the powers that be in the architectural world, but they’re happening anyway...."
(the article belongs to Verge Hack Week)

More architecture moments...
...from around the world: at photo friday the photo blog: once upon a day

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