today is a summer day in fall, brought along by warm winds from the south. the sunflowers are still flowering, the dahlias built new petals, the roses, too. some trees are still green - while others turned yellow or already skip their leaves. tomorrow the winds will turn, and the northern low will reach us with rain. and with skipping temperatures: from 24°C today to 15°C tomorrow. night frost possible.
meanwhile, the 100 days of summer project of shared daily creativity is are entering their final week. after posting day #93 in blue yesterday, i wrote to a fellow 100-dayer: "i just looked at the image page of my 100 days blog and felt: this could be complete now. but it would be odd to leave just 7 days before the end.
he wrote back, saying: "what you said about your photo stream is true of mine as well, they could end now. ... we have a challenge to bring ourselves to this for one last week."
when i thought about it, i realized i already have the next day: a small stone picked at the way to the train station. which also might be the answer to: how to continue after the 100 days, if at all? - i think i will focus on smallstones - small moments and moods of the everyday, wrapped in a few words - a practice to move from the feeling of "in between" to right here. because all our days and weeks are in between, if we keep the focus on the larger image, the next milestone. and at the same time, each moment is right here, if we focus on the now.
another timeline: the Modern Poetry Online Class ("ModPo") - the 4th week is complete with Gertrude Stein and Dada-poets. the next = 5th week will mark the halftime milestone of the course, with a focus on Antimodernists and Formalism of the 1950s. week 6 will add the beat poets. so many good poetry discussions, and beyond that, right now, a thought-provoking discussion that is developing in the forum on the larger scheme of free online classes: "So is the whole Coursera thing just a philanthropic effort or what?" it's up to 68 posts on education / learning / money / globalization / life now, with 1800 views so far. and it's too bad that they don't have an open area for such themes.
now: time to mow the lawn, before the rain arrives.
and: time to say hi to the flowers and their new, now petals.
....done. and i just had to take this photo:
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