Saturday, September 12, 2009

Jostein Gaarder: Der seltene Vogel

Jostein Gaarder is probably best known for his novel "Sophie's World". His debut book is a collection of 10 stories, titled: "Der seltene Vogel" - "The rare bird". The cover must be my favourite of the year so far, together with the first rare lines:

Den größten Teil der Zeit verschläft die Welt. Den größten Teil des Raumes auch. Nur ab und zu reibt sie sich den Schlaf aus den Augen und erwacht zum Bewußtsein ihrer selbst. "Wer bin ich?" fragt die Welt. "Woher komme ich?" Für einige Sekunden hat der seltene Vogel auf unserer Schulter Platz genommen.

(here an attempt of a translation, the book itself or quotes from it don't seem to be available in english. Gaarder himself is from Norway.)
The largest part of time is overslept by the world. The largest part of space, too. Only now and then does it rub its eyes and wakes to awareness of itself. "Who am I?" asks the world. "Where am I coming from?" For some seconds, the rare bird took a seat on our shoulder.


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