Sunday, October 25, 2009

Fictionaut: Three + The End of Février

about 2 weeks ago, via a facebook post, i came across Fictionaut. i think i visited the site in spring already, but got sidetracked. what immediately caught my interest this time was the subline: "Fictionaut - For adventurous readers and writers".

after browsing the page a bit, i looked for the register-button. turns out that the place so far is by invitation only. well, i thought, and sent a mail, asking for an invitation. which waited for me in my mailbox when i returned from Frankfurt.

i first thought i only register, and have a closer look around, but then remembered this story that i once wrote, and that now is leftover in "perfectland".. a magazine gone in haitus. so i posted it in Fictionaut, it's called "The End of Février".

the welcoming surprise arrived some hours later: feedback-mails, and messages like this one: "X. wrote on your Fictionaut Wall."

since i registered, i visited Fictionaut almost daily, to check out the latest "most recent stories" - some of them are new, some previously published (seems to be a theme of these days).

today, i put a second story up there, it's new, short, and a bit on the somber side, probably induced by the change of season towards colder and darker days: "Three".

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