Thursday, February 4, 2010

in transit in print

it's a special week. yesterday, the exciting news that one of the blueprintreview stories will be included in Dzanc’s best of web 2010. (more here: blueprintreview story selected).

and today, the proofcopy of my story collection 'in transit' arrived from the printer. imagine me, standing there with the letter, a little nervous, thinking of all the things that might have gone wrong: cover files, font, pages, you name it. so i opened the letter. and there it was. in transit. in printed pages. all beautiful.

i sat with it, on the floor, browsing the pages. such a good start to this year. just some tiny, tiny transit edits left to make. then it will be ready. so soon, now.


Anonymous said...

This is so exciting Dorothee! Your book looks stunning in the photo.

Rose Hunter said...

Second what Karyn said. Wow! I wanted to ask you too - did you design the cover? I like it a lot.

Dorothee said...

yes, it's so exciting! and the cover came out so vivid.

and yes, i did the cover design. it was a little word puzzle, all words are taken from story titles / key words of the collection.

susan said...

Wow. This must have you walking on air and you well deserve to do so! It does indeed look really inviting and professional with the subtlety of your work on the cover mimicking that of your writings and images. Bravo!

daniela elza said...

just to think of all the work, the endless human hours of pouring over, into writing and putting together a book like this.

and by the time it is all done, how we have moved on. Yet, the joy. The delicious pleasure of holding this product, that becomes a physical thing we can hold and share, and pass along.
congratulations Dorothee.

Dorothee said...

thanks for your thoughts and reflections - and for your inspiration along the way.

and i just thought, yes: "by the time it is all done, how we have moved on." .. and how our words created unexpected connections.
