Thursday, May 6, 2010

Emprise Review: Translations & Etymologies of Always

in March, i came across an unusal call for submissions: Emprise Review invited to send "lists". i made a note to submit, but didn't know when to start. some days later, i worked on a translation - which then lead to the idea for a list.

the list is now online. and it fits perfectly with being abroad: it's about the fascination of languages, and how each thing and term has an own word in each language, and an own etymology. here the list of 1 word: Translations and Etymologies of Always

special thanks to Vera Ulea for sending "always" in Russian, and to Nora Nadjarian for the Greek version of "always".

this is the first time lists are included in Emprise Review - here's the introduction to the issue, and here the issue link: Emprise Review issue 14. -- and so interesting, to see the other list, and find that it is a word list, too: "Ten Words You May Want To Strike From Your Manuscript if You Are Reading to Middle-Schoolers* by Bryan Furuness & Amy Minton.

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