Tuesday, May 11, 2010

new: blueprintreview #24: micro cosmos

the new issue of blueprintreview is up!
it is: #24: micro cosmos

this is a flash fiction issue, launched in sequences, streaming from philosophic to funky to galactic and back to this earthly dimension

for starters: Finnegan Flawnt: The Writer – The Fool – The Families >>> Shannon Anthony: The Next Naked Alien >>> Kate Brown: Place de la Revolution

& artwork by: Carlye Birkenkrahe ('Hard at Work', 'Gravity', 'Inspired') >>> Michael Brandonisio ('Gigante') >>> bl pawelek ('demos')

and that’s just the first cosmic sequence. so much more to come.

here is the cyber link that beams you into the new blue: http://www.blueprintreview.de

new cosmic sequences will unfold every couple of days, check back or just follow the announcements on twitter and facebook.

enjoy this micro cosmos ~

PS: and make sure to check out the note on the bottom of the starting page, with the links to the blueprintreview book blog Daily s-Press, and the call for micro novel manuscripts

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