Wednesday, June 30, 2010


it's wednesday. last day of June. i went to the swimming hall yesterday, as they close down for summer. no whirl pool lazing in July + August. instead, some summer thoughts: inspired by Jessie Carty's Paperhouse book tour, and as i have no trips planned for now, i had the idea to go on a (virtual) book tour. meet authors around the world. like, Rose Hunter in Mexico. who is just back from her trip to Acapulco and Mexico City, and has pictures up in her blog.

more about the book tour idea, soon. first, another book note: the blueprint micro novels for this summer just got announced in the blueprint blog: there will be 2 novels, "The Republic of Love" by Nora Nadjarian, and "My Apartment" by Michael K. White. hadn't noticed this at first, but they are both about places we live in. which connects to yesterday's Daily s-Press book, Natural Habitat by Michelle Reale, and the question in the introduction of it: "The whole of my life I have been interested in who we are as individuals and the world at large. Who belongs? Who doesn’t?"

and following the theme of places we live in.. the picture above. it's from a walk through my hometown, last year, same month. same blue blue sky.

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