Tuesday, August 24, 2010

sky, 5 4 3 2 1, blueprintreview call + gratitude

(click to enlarge)

great morning skies on sunday. then on monday, rain. which is fine: this week will be about catching up forward, about getting things done and prepared (including nice stuff like taxes), as i will leave for the mountains on saturday.

one thing that is completed already: the call for submissons for the next issue of blueprintreview - the call image took me back to my previous, and very un-mountaineous journey: Vienna. the call is up here: BluePrintReview #26: 'Identity'

to come today: the next 2 pages of blueprintreview "two²". connected to the new issue, i received this moving blog entry yesterday: BluePrintReview - Gratitude #19.

today, i am grateful for the internet, for all the amazing connections it sparks, and the creative space it provides.

1 comment:

Jessie Carty said...

there is something refreshing about organizing and planning. or that is just the nerd in me :)