Sunday, October 10, 2010

rhein river moment

wednesday, after visiting the frankfurt book fair, i went to visit relatives. it was sunset time. so i took a small detour - Rhein river was just a mile away. i drove there, to see the last minutes of sunset at the riverside. and arrived just in time for this moment.

a larger image of this moment is up here: rhein

(and interesting: in german, it's "Rhein", in english, "rhine" - exactly the same letters, just arranged in a slightly different way - and from ethymology, Rhine connects to the indogermanic word root "Hreih" ("to flow"), which is related to the latin word "rivus" (river), the spanish "rio" and the english "river".

1 comment:

Jessie Carty said...

I love that picture and learning the history of a word :)