today: thaw
today: the first birds singing
today: this world. in ways i can't blog about. i just hope all turns out well for someone in my family.
today: finding those lines at the bottom of "I found" by Mel Bosworth
People are always the best things to find because when you find people you find yourself, too. And the world is big and it’s easy to lose yourself so it’s good to look for people because they can help you home.
today: remembering that other story that ended on "home". the one i once copied, but never was able to trace the author. now it is on: "Wild white horses" by Laurie Anderson. which ends on those lines:
And one more thing:
Keep moving. Cause it's a long way home.
& the next stone:
finally jogging again,
after being on ice hold since weeks:
this feeling of space while passing empty winter fields
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