yesterday: sun. blue sky. paella. etc.
today: rain. which makes it a different island, especially when taking a drive through the Tramuntana, the mountain range on the northside of the island.
reading: "Gallego" / a book by Miguel Barnet, a Cuban author - based on real life stories about Spanish villagers who were lured to Cuba in 1910-1920, because life was supposed to be so much better there. written in 1981, and full of parallels to the current immigrants who leave the Middle East for a better life in Europe. the german title of the book is: "Alle träumten von Cuba" - "All dreamed of Cuba"
and: "Kleine Freuden" / "Simple Pleasures" by Hermann Hesse - a collection of Hesse's notes, essays, travlogues and even travel diaries, covering the years 1899 - 1960. (Hesse was born 1877 in South Germany, lived through 2 world wars, and died 1962 in Italy).
(and looking at these books and the previous book notes, it seems my tendency to pick non-fiction books or books based on oral narratives is continuing.)
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