3 days to Paris. i ordered a new cityguide to take along, with walking tours and flipmap. it arrived now, with mail, together with a perfect surprise - a poetry book. sent from afar, across the ocean. on its cover: the sea. "and see what happens - the journey poems" by Ursula Vaira.
Ursuala is the editor of Leaf Press, we mailed briefly earlier this year. "The book consists of three long poems from transformative journeys in British Columbia's wilderness," i just learned on this And See What Happens website. looking very forward to reading it.
and another good coincidence: while working on the challenge issue of blueprintreview, i mailed with Julia Davies about a photo. the mailing then lead to a link of a travel diary that is online as issuu-book: Davies go How. the book is about taking part in a "House of Writers" meetup in New Orleans. browsing the pages, an idea surfaced for my own upcoming trip to Paris: to try an experimental diary. will see how that works out.
and to close the cirlce: when opening the Paris flipmap, i remembered the flipbook Jessi sent last year. back then, we had no idea that we would meet this year.
now i wished time would switch to slow motion. so much happening these days.
I love the way books travel. I recently posted the launch of "and see what happens" here on the west coast of BC.
And now I see it in your photo in Germany. Love it.
yes, the way books travel: i always wished there was a map that showed for each book the ways it takes + is taken along.
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