it's a windy grey sky day today. all the snow that fell last week is gone - but the whiteness of it returned today, in the lines i wrote while the snow was falling. lines that now are transformed into an haiga by artist Kuniharu Shimizu. it's online here, with a wind note: Snowman haiku 11
i'm happy and excited to be part of this snowman series. such a fascinating format, and so many takes on the theme already. for more about the series, here's an introduction.
my snow lines were also inspired by the upcoming river of stones, which will start on the first of January and is about paying attention to the everyday moments, and putting one of them into words each day for a month (more on it, here). there already is a twitterstream, and there also will be a blogroll - following the link in the note to it, i arrived at these lines:
“What a tangled fascination, this life. What luck there is in the world, and what horror.
The stories we are telling. The food we are putting in our mouths. The weather, how large it feels. How we go on, about our days, remaining calm. The moon can sweep us off our feet at any moment. The air can change. We can get dropped. At any moment.
Everything matters. Movement, especially, is key.“ (link)
yes, i thought. movement.
falling, rolling, being -
snow, wind, stone.
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