today: driving past the bay and stopping at the beach shop... and then remembering the day i took a photo there that turned into a collaborative piece with Karyn, for qarrtsilunit's "Economy" issue, a holiday postcard of the different kind: Dealing with Friends and Family...
looking at Mallorca from an economy angle, it is difficult to imagine the place without tourism and all things related to it. and it is still off-season. the funny sticks you see above? they are beach-umbrellas-without-umbrella-yet. just after i took the photo, a truck arrived, with a full load of straw parasol, ready for distribution.
and here's the counterpart picture: the beach shop, and the bay with the rent cars reflected in the windows. the name of the shop is... "Spar".. which is German for "Saving". yes. it's a German shop chain in Spain, and even more odd: a chain that doesn't exist in Germany anymore.

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