Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wild Bird Wednesday

Two weeks ago, i went birding for a day in the S'Albufera Natural Park, Mallorca. and then started to visit bird blogs, to see the notes and photos from real birders who went there.

Now I just came across this link: Wild Bird Wednesday, a photo / blog link sharing initiative by a blogger + birder from UK. so good. and i even have a recent bird photo: this is an "Amsel" (blackbird), it sat on the neighbour's roof two days ago. Their ever-varied songs are part of those May days.

And here's the birding link from Mallorca: ....gone birding


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

HI Dorothee Good that you found this meme Wild Bird Wednesday. I have been to that same place as yourself. It was wonderful. You will find many good birders here and can learn much from what they post.

Stewart M said...

Hi there and welcome to WBW - nice to see a bird I used to see everyday in the UK.

We do have them in Australia, but they are a bit of pest!

Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne