Sunday, January 22, 2017

winter skies, world books

Today we went for a winter walk - this is just ten minutes from where we live. Today it felt like walkig into another world.

And another lovely sky moment from this weekend: Walking into the living room. Walking into sunrise... and there is more:


As I stood and watched, a flock of tiny birds appeared and flew to the fir tree, to settle there, and gaze at the sun and drink in the light - just like I did.


Next week, this time - when all works out as planned - we will be enjoying some warmer skies in the South. Looking forward to it. So it will be a busy week now, preparing and packing.

What's packed already are: the books I want to take. It's something I really enjoy, to look for books to read, and to start to gather them. It's a mix of art, fiction, memoir... here's a photo:

Will blog about them from the island. And I finally started to adjust and update the world reads page here in the blog.

Right now, I am still reading the Antarctica book by Jenny Diski. Not sure if I will read through all continents this year... but then, looking at the book photo, I could try. The surrealism book is international. The green book is a poetry book from Taiwan, translated into German - I received it at the Leipzig book fair. The third book is a memoir by Susan Sontag. And the small book with the tree on the cover - that is a book I have since ages, but it has an odd cover. It's about the Celts, about their culture and era.

So combined, that would already be a trip through half of the continents...


more skies: skywatch friday
more books: life as a journey with books

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