Sunday, August 3, 2008

booker prize 2008

"Prizes don't make writers and writers don't write to win prizes, but in the near-glut of literary awards now on offer, the Booker remains special. It's the one which, if we're completely honest, we most covet."

said Graham Swift. who won the booker prize in 1996.

the list of those who might win the prize 2008 has just been announced: the longlist includes 13 books. The Millions took the time to find excerpts were available - their list, here:

A booker's dozen - the 2008 booker longlist

interesting detail: the booker page itself invites discussions about the books choosen for the longlist - the link to the forum, here: "What do you think of the 2008 longlist?"

added to that, the booker page also includes interviews with past winners of the booker prize. one of it is from Peter Carey - i recently read his novel "Theft", which made me curious for his take on the prize. but what touched me most what was he said about writing:

"For three years, on most days, through many drafts, I sat at my desk and gave everything I knew or could imagine to this story. Some days I was depressed, others exhilarated. Every day I was drained by what I had done. That is to say -- an awful lot of emotion has been brought to the conception and execution of this novel. Sometimes I wrote things I did not know I could imagine, but I always knew what the journey was about."

here the whole interview: Winning is "Like being run over by a truck"

the shortlist of the booker prize will be announced 9. September, with the final decision made at the 14. October.

and another interesting page: the colourful booker prize archive with the winners 1967-2007.

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