Friday, June 5, 2009

Uwe Tellkamp: Der Turm

"You have it here," i said, and put the book on the counter.
"Yes," the librarian answered. "Just returned yesterday. You will be the third to take it."
She looked at me, at the other books i had picked. Der Turm ("The Tower"), it was the thickest. And the most beautiful, by far.
"But be warned, it's not an easy read."
"I wouldn't expect it," i answered.

and it isn't. and with all the things going on right now, i knew i wouldn't have the time for a complete read of this 976-page book. but i got a taste of it - of life in the Eastern half of Germany, when the wall was still standing. not in a story, or in a report, but in a caleidoscope of interwoven storylines that form an epic novel.

here's a bit more about it: "The Tower - Tales of a Sunken Country".

(2 tiny facts: "Der Turm" won the German Book Award 2008. and yes, the hand-drawn map belongs to the book.)


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