two sunday reads:
All That
a short story by David Foster Wallace, up in The New Yorker ,
with these lines:
"I no more knew their minds and motives than a pencil knows what it is being used for."
"..in the bored half-cruel way that adults sometimes do with small children, playfully telling them things that they pass off to themselves as “tall tales” or “childlike inventions,” unaware of the impact those tales may have (since magic is a serious reality for small children)."
The Habit of Art (quotes)
memorable quotes from Alan Bennett's new play, up in TammyHoLaiMing.com
here my favourites:
• "What I fear is that on Judgement Day one’s punishment will be to hear God reciting by heart the poems I would have written had my life been good."
• "Our passport is what we have written."
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