Monday, December 28, 2009

Respect for Reprints

there's an interesting discussion about reprints developing in the Big Other blog, started by John Dermot Woods, writer+artist, and editor of Action, Yes. he also mentions the blueprintreview issue in the starting text. here's a bit:

"Our work often finds such tiny audiences. Yet, it’s incredible that almost all journals and publishers state a policy of accepting only new and unpublished work. Unless anthologized, most work is printed, freezes, and dies.

I just found the Blue Print Review and was impressed by their new all reprint issue (the “re visit/cyle/turn” issue). I’d like to see more of that.

So why is this anti-reprint attitude so ubiquitous? Is it a holdover from the days when everybody read every issue of Collier’s, so they’d get pissed if The Saturday Evening Post were to run the same crap two months later? Or is there something else here?"

here the link to the discussion: Respect for Reprints

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