Friday, January 29, 2010

liquid (dis)comfort zones

the next (dis)comfort zone is up, here the direct links to the pages:

  • (Addict)ion - poetry by Jennifer Whitley (“It hurts. It’s good...”) + water photography by Karyn Eisler: 'The Bow'.

  • In Her Dreams - a short story by Beate Sigriddaughter (“She tries to save this into waking...”) + artwork by Eliza Kelley: 'Waiting'.

Eliza Kelley also wrote the poem that is new in the blog: Jesse.

a theme that runs through the new texts and images: the translucence / liquidness of reality.
above, a collage of 'The Bow' and 'Waiting'. and here, a stanza from 'Jesse':

conch shells, every found and tossed back
pebble sifted from sand
through my hands, collected
in pockets of graphite and ink
uprooted ever since the Potomac
whispered, Run Away, it's a trick ...

enjoy the liquid (dis)comfort~

1 comment:

Rose Hunter said...

Great stuff! I'm really liking this "gradual release" that you're doing. It does have me paying more attention to each piece....