Sunday, February 14, 2010

don't miss out on the love: valentine's day massacre challenge

"Get your Feb. 14 (V-Day Massacre) stories or poems ready to post. Only criteria: use the word "heart" or "hearts" somewhere in your piece."

said the challenge note. i came across it yesterday evening, via a twitter note from Susan Gibb, and couldn't resist the challenge. "All it takes is a looming deadline for the writer to react instinctively!" commented Susan. indeed.

and so good that i had some first rough notes for a poem as a base to work from. with the “heart”-challenge, the poem fell into place in a surprise way, it’s already up, here: lent (valentines day massacre challenge).

for more of the valentine challenge, try this tag link: valentine

challenge note
the challenge is still on - here the link to the forum thread, deadline is sunday (= valentine's day midnight). PS: if you want to take part in the fictionaut valentine challenge, but aren't in fictionaut yet, message me, i have some invites to give.

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