Thursday, February 11, 2010

metazen: Rice

today: new snow.
and: new words - i have a story up in Metazen: Rice

the key scene of this story is based on a dream, and the story developed from there. it's a concept i am experimenting with these days, there are 2 other dream stories in the making. and there is a dream story up: Sliver, from October '09. Sliver brought me back to my dream diary, and directly refers to the dream-state, while the new stories don't tell about their origin.

back to Rice - here's my favourite line:
We construct a paper bridge. The droid walks across it. We follow, one after another, like sentences in a story.

this line triggered the idea to submit this story to metazen, as it fits with 2 of their guidelines: --> 1) Any­thing con­sid­ered “meta-fiction” that is fic­tion that is con­scious of the fic­tion process itself. --> 2) Short prose that is well writ­ten, odd for the sake of being lit­er­ary and not odd for the sake of being odd.

what really amazed me is the picture Frank Hinton (the editor of metazen) picked for this story. it's so perfect, it makes me want to start to draw myself.

enjoy the "Rice" ~

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