Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Writers in Masks” features Dorothee Lang

author Mercedes Yardley is running an interesting author-series in her blog "Broken Laptop", induced by a conversation: "We were talking about online personas and how we want our authors and artists to be informative, approachable, and yet mysterious. Natalie commented that writers should all wear masks. And that sparked my muse:

We all wear masks. How many people know who we truly are? Doesn’t “who we truly are” change with each person that we’re with? But that is a different discussion for a different day. I would like all of us as writers and artists to take a picture of ourselves in some sort of mask. I would just like a picture of you in a mask, a blurb about your work, and permission to run it. I’ll run a picture a week and spotlight you."

the spotlight series is named: "Writers in Masks”. i joined. and my mask is up now:

My Mask

My mask is invisible.

I wear it almost every day, usually without thinking of it. It is: English.

I started to learn English in school, in the fifth grade, as most German pupils do. About the same time, my father bought a computer...


here's the full page: "Writers in Masks” Features Dorothee Lang

for more writers in masks, try this Writers in Masks link list.


Jessie Carty said...

What a great discussion. I have to agree that we are different with everyone we meet :)

susan said...

Finally got a chance to read this and I feel I know you a tiny bit better for allowing me a peek beneath the mask.