today: a new day.
today: thinking forward + backwards. sketching a timeline.
today: trying to find my way, as always.
today: getting ready for a river of stones, and browsing this exercise for the start.
today: going to the spa. and while swimming, and thinking of stones, noticing what is happening not far from me:
in the local swimming hall
a grown-up woman learns to swim
before another year ends.
so good to see her, making this step. especially making it out there, in public, where everyone can see her struggle, and watch her try, and deal with her fear, with the difficulty to coordinate arms and legs in water, while kids swim by.
hats down, i thought. and remembered this line again:
every day, do something that scares you.
and this:
every day, try something new.
happy new year!
may 2011 be filled with happiness for you,
with love + luck
and inspiration + newness
Einen guten Rutsch!
(that's the german new years greeting: "A good slide into the new year!")
PS: the plan for today was to blog about the books i am reading these days, but then this moment happened. and after noting it down, i realized: this is such a good note to end + start a year. books to follow, next year.
Happy New Year! Well it will be here in about 17 hours. Oh boy I have to stay awake that long! I really really really may need a nap :)
Happy New Year, Dorothee. The Rutsch in Berlin is building up to loud one...
Happy New Year Dorothee,
We just saw it in here in Vancouver.
Now lets dream this new one into existence.
All the best to Daily s-Press, and all the projects you are juggling.
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