Saturday, December 4, 2010


we should be leaving from the island tomorrow early morning. now Spanish air traffic control went on a wild strike. no planes coming in or going out of Spanish airports for now.

the only winged thing in the sky: seagulls.

oh yesh. happy advent.

news says that the spanish army now took over the traffic control to keep thousands of passengers from getting all stuck. i just checked the airport page, there are some planes scheduled, but with massive delays or no defined time yet. here on Lanzarote, there are no planes at all arriving or leaving so far. i hope things will improve during the day. we are about 1900 miles from home. the next shore is Africa, 100 miles to the West (taking a boat to the coast from here would bring you to El Aiuun in the Western Sahara). i haven't felt the distance to home so clearly until now.


sand shadow said...

I hope there is a new moon opportunity hidden within this frustrating obstacle

Dorothee said...

saturday evening now, and the first planes are starting. forecast says that things will stay out of schedule for at least another day. maybe we are lucky and can leave with just some hours of delay.
the nice side effect of the mess is that it connects everyone at the beach.

Rose Hunter said...

Wow! This is way more dramatic than my Auckland drama. Not that it's a competition.... :) I guess there's worse places to be stranded though? Still -hope you make it out soon.