Sunday, January 16, 2011

freight: eighteen

in august, Folded Word put up a call for a "Freight" collection. back then, i worked on a flash story for the upoming "Can't Wait" theme of 52/250-flash. in the middle of it, i realized 2 things: the story i worked on needed a bit more than 250 words. and it was actually a Freight story.

yesterday, Folded Word put up a Freight shortlist - and good surprise: included is my story. the title of it is: "Eighteen". you can find it here: Freight prose shortlist.

about the story itself: the core of Eighteen is based on a true story. there's an old lady living here in the neighbourhood, in one of the old houses. she told me the story while standing next to her fencepost, in a conversation that was not longer than 5 minutes, and started with the weather. she still has this vivid laughter, and a great humour.

- and so good to see a friend over in the Freight poetry shortlist: Rose Hunter with "Strongman Contest". (contest rules are online here, basically you can vote for each shortlist once, voting closes 31. January).

i just went and counted words: the story really runs up to only 320 words. from rhythm and theme, it makes me think of "Slices", this story i wrote last year, which also deals with the past, and the way it cut through lives of individuals. and like with Eighteen, i guess i would have shied away from the huge theme, yet arrived there through a casual prompt.

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