Sunday, March 27, 2011

(b)order & today

today: the start of summertime
today: rain
today: regional elections
today: maybe a change of power from conservative to green
today: another set of tragic news in the news
today: global questions
today: a story up in 52/250: (b)order

and as it's short, and keeps drawing me to it, here a copy+paste:


a steady two or t(h)ree
percent of growth per (y)ear,

that had been the brief plan
of the general future

the concept of exponential scales and continental drift:
still hard to (g)rasp for our minds, even now

truth was, we still tried to (read)just the moment
when everything started to change
beyond our (b)order

when we had sat there, listening
to the close,
distant breaking
of (s)hells


reading through (b)orders again, i think the fragmentation of it - apart from the second layer it creates - is also a reflection of these days, with the constant stream of newsbits that don't necessarily form a larger picture. so much news. so many questions. so few answers. and this feeling, that we somehow managed to create a world that is too complex to grasp for our minds, and that doesn't allow much space for the larger questions.

as a small and growing reflection space, i keep gathering the blog notes with reflections on Japan in the blueprint blog. there are 10 now, reaching from The Unnamed to Who will it be tomorrow, and from Information: what for? to Waterside: after the shock - reflections, thoughts, blog posts


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