Saturday, April 23, 2011

hanami flower viewing & monjes budistas

cherry blossoms. everywhere. hanami, they are called in Japan. or rather: is the verb for viewing flowers: "Hanami (lit. "flower viewing") is the Japanese traditional custom of enjoying the beauty of flowers, "flower" in this case almost always meaning cherry blossoms or ume blossoms." (more, here: wiki/Hanami)

and more multilinguality. during yoga class, there was a cd playing a couple of times. the music: a mix of buddhist mantras, and cafe del-mar-like passages. "what is it?" i asked, and after class, noted down the title: "Monjes Budistas Sakya Tashi Ling". it's not available right now, but i found it second-hand. now it's here. and comes with a nice booklet... in spanish. the country the band (or rather: monastery) has its home. here's more about them: Monjes Budistas. and here's the title song.

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