Thursday, November 17, 2011

Life In A Day

currently watching: "Life in a Day"

"On July 24, 2010, thousands of people around the world uploaded videos of their lives to YouTube to take part in “Life in a Day”, a historic cinematic experiment.." ...which is online now. full length. 1hour 34minutes. here's the link:

YouTube: Life in a Day

moving and overwhelming: this world. so huge. so full of moments, people, emotions, places, life. i'm watching it in 15-minutes parts, to make the day last a week.

update: finished watching the film on sunday evening. the last 10 minutes, so intense. the final scene (at 1h29m) - i revisited it this morning, to brighten up this gloomy mood that got me wrapped since yesterday morning and turned sunday, this day of ease, into a burden.

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