Monday, May 7, 2012

going slowly despite / for all

today: monday.
today: a dozen things waiting after the island time.
today: .. starting the day with a note to myself, the quote i came across in the slow walking blog:

Smile, breathe and go slowly.
- Thich Nhat Hanh

it was while looking for the quote that i arrived back at the island, and at the note i wrote on monday last week, on jogging and taking the time

o i took the time, today, to go for a jog. i got into a fresh jogging mood on the island, and also found a new gadget: a route-tracker for the mobile phone. i tried this today, and was curious to see how long exactly today’s jog is. the best of it, though, was the side effect: along the way, i came past shining yellow fields. “Now for a camera” i thought – and realized i had it with me. ´

PS.. and here's last week's blog note: going slowly (or: to see the sea)

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