the second part of the BluePrintReview in/stances went live this week
it's rather visual this time, featuring 3 photo series by Chris Nguyen, Steve Wing and Jane Hammons
- Walls of Hue, Viet Nam by Chris Galvin Nguyen
- a photograph a day by Jane Hammons
- o c e a n by Steve Wing
the starting page of looks like the collage above and leads to the single pages
i am really excited how this issue turns out – i more or less put the pages together in the order they arrive here. each series is vivid, including multiple layers and angles of the world in just a few photos
a net of parallels
but what it striking and exciting: apart from "moments" / "instances", there is no furher theme, and of course none of the contributors knew about the others, and the images / themes they sent. still there is almost a net of parallels:
Chris' wall from Hue, and Jane’s walls from the States. and in Steve’s set of 6 photos includes a wall image, too, and ends with a reflective Buddha moment that again could relate to the Kitchen Gods under the Bodhi Tree. then there is the light/shadow structure in Steve's work, and like a counterpart twin, the park photo from Jane.
enjoy the moments and the unexpected parallels and counterparts ~
PS: submissions for the issue are open, next deadline is 5th of April, here are the guidelines.
the next deadline is...???
thanks for asking! the next deadline is 5th of April. here are the guidelines, will also include the link above:
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