it's the last sunday here at home before leaving. it's rain. again. this was the coldest and darkest winter season since ages, they say. and even though there have been some sunny days, the shift to spring is still not complete, it feels.
it’s a bit sad, but it’s also okay, with the island time in Mallorca upcoming. otherwise it would start to get really frustrating to go for yet another walk along the fields and through the forest in the drizzle, hoping for sun.
but at least the spring flowers start to bring the colors back to the gardens. here, the tulips are still closed, but when visiting a friend this week we could sit outside for a bit, surrounded by red tulips. she picked some for me, and they now are here, brightening up the room, next to another color-spot: a fun easter chicken that i picked up in March, and that is sitting now humpty-dumpty style on the wooden-pinboard-of-the-different kind. i guess i picked it for its cuteness and cheerfulness.
it's one of the joys of home: those details and memories that find a place there, that accompany the days and seasons. the books that sit on their shelves, each connecting to the time and place i read it. and the garden: i don't have pets, but in some ways, the flowers and the garden with the guest that visit: birds of all kind, the neighbour's cats, a hedgehog, a martin... i know i will miss it while away. especially while being away in spring, when the flowers are opening... soon now:

knowing that i will be gone makes these days, makes every flower in the garden more special.
and of course, there will be flowers in Mallorca: there, the roses probably are already in bloom. and there will be real-life pets: ducks who "adopt" the guests there as their temporary pet-owners. no pink chickens, though.

looking at the photo, it's still feels strange to think that this time, next week, i really will be there.
island diary...
the first part of the island diary is online just below:
island diary: to be still in the midst of activity, or: 8 days to the shore
more to come, on a daily basis.
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