Sunday, June 30, 2013

288 hours, or: fleeting moments, mind maps, life archives, and the time we have

288 hours for each week. 1440 minutes for each day. 
so many moments. on the way to the bakery this morning, i thought of the last days, the places i've been to, all those moments of me crossing paths with someone, something, somethought. how to capture all this?


afternoon collage
on friday , when i returned from a visit to the city, i created a collage which includes just a few moments of the afternoon. it also could be a collage of a week, with the different themes and skies.

and of course, from all the things i took pictures of, the two that i returned to later, and that are still on my mind, are missing:

Mind Maps & Hyper Zones & How "It" can change
the starting point of friday afternoon were two new exhibitions in the Kunstverein Stuttgart: "on/notes - A Research" and "On Dithering: Motives"

it included a large and fascinating installation of Anna Oppermann, who worked with collages that embedded collages. here's a note from an essay on her work: "Any attempt to gain a clear overview of the works is bound to fail, as the Ensembles consist to a large extent of drawings and photographs of yet other Ensembles." 

Conjunctions & Juxtapositions 
when first seeing the installation, i thought: "how weirdly complex and bewildering".  but then, when seen from another angle, it's not really that strange: it's our modern life, in all its kaleidoscopic fragmentation. and i really should have taken a photo, to continue this string of layers of life, this chain of objects turning to subjects.

here's more of her work, in a photo page: Anna Oppermann - Ensembles -  photos + and here's an art blog page on her work: Anna's hyper zone

the collection also included Lia Perjovschi and her Mind Maps: Innovative Forms of Archive - like Oppermann, Perjovschi searches for the links between ideas, things, events, and uses Mind Maps to make those networks visible and to explore and map new and unexpected juxtapositions of elements of our life. here are some photos

how "It" all connects, and the nature of "it" - that also was the theme of Robert Barry - It can change


Sunday and 28.835 Days
it's good that this sunday is coming with open space and time, to reflect, revisit, process.

it also brought me back to this video i saw earlier this week: "your life = 28.835 Days"  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so thought provoking, love the youtube link too. Thank you :)