more mindful moments, this time related to finding unexpected words along the way:
Jan 9
this cold surprise
to find ice
in justice
Jan 10
in the middle of morning
traffic commotion:
a car with a number plate
that says OM
(which made me realize that OM is right there, inside of any cOMmotion, always)
and another find, from the coop wind poem:
Jan 7
the rose
in the wind
wind is one of the words that stays exactly the same in translation, just like roses: the wind - der Wind, the rose - die Rose. and even winding is the same: winden. the rose winding in the wind: die Rose, die sich im Wind windet...
more mindful moments...
...in this blog: life as a journey in a mindful january
...from everywhere: smallstones: small beautiful shared moments
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