Wednesday, January 8, 2014

mindful january, or: looking up / i see...

some small mindful moments of this week, seems they come easier at dusk and dawn:


January 7, evening

half past five, daylight fading already
lighting a candle, I look up and see
right above the roof:
the moon


January 7, morning
Tuesday morning. dark sky with a string of blue,
and at the horizon, a pulsing stream of lights,
coming and going -
early morning traffic


January  5, sunday morning
walking to the bakery
the church bells chant 8 o’clock
a single white car drives by
while a crow is crossing
high above
the tunes of today


and an after-thought: that looking up, it's also an opening up, to a wider view, to the present moment.


more mindful moments... this blog: life as a journey in a mindful january
...from everywhere: smallstones: small beautiful shared moments

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