Summer, it feels as far away as the island time now. I arrived back home on Sunday evening, and together with the change of place, the focus of things changed, too: from open time and bay walks to catching up and getting things organized and sorted.
I will put a longer blog post together at the end of the week. The next days come with doctor dates, to prepare chemotherapy, one of them is for the insertion of a longer-time "port": a small medical appliance that is installed beneath the skin to make injections easier and not end up with dozens of needle sticks. All those things that are fascinating, but that I didn't really want to need to learn...
But back to the depth of field - here's another photo, a double "depth of field", from a rainy day in Lanzarote:

More moments from Lanzarote island
More "depth of field" at photo friday
Hoping the port goes in smoothly, Doro and wishing you strength through this time. Thinking of you.
Chris, thanks for your thoughts and wishes. I spoke with the doc yesterday in preparation. The operation is ambulant, and the doctor thinks it should go without problems, so that I can go home 2 hours later. Still, it's a funny feeling to be made "portable".
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