Saturday, March 19, 2016

Finalities, a brain wave, and an unexpected morning flight

For goodbye: A final night-walk through Leipzig City with chance piano music, And dinner in the "Auerbach Keller", where Goethe used to go - a place he even included in "Faust". See the painting in the background? The red figure is Mephisto from Faust.

Then, in the hotel room: some frustrating scrolling through possible train connections - no direct and quick shortcut possible. But in the morning, the brainwave to check flights. 8.30, same price as train ticket, the flight site offered. 

Never before was I so quickly packed and on the way to the airport. Made it to ckeckin with 5 minutes left. Now, the final stops on the s-train that leads from the airport to home. Then a hot shower, and: home weekend breakfast.

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