Wednesday, August 11, 2010

3... 2.... 1... launch: blueprintreview issue "two²"

“or to make it simple: make it 2.” – that was the key line of the call for issue 25. curious, i waited for texts and images of the “2” kind. and received: two-way poems. stories inside stories. 2-layer photos. poems in 2 parts. second-hand clips of life. and so much more twosome goodness.

the first threesome of twos is on now, kicking in with The Scream, Fire on the Other Side, Pre-Cell Observations in 2 Parts – and with a spin of complementary colors.
here is the door to “two²”: blueprintreview issue 25

this issue goes live in sequences again, check out the blog for a (color)full contributor roundabout with 2 links per person, and for some figured clues to editing blueprintreview: blueprint blog

& for some more blueprint reading joy, check out the new blueprint micro novels: there are - you guessed it - 2 of them: “My Apartment” by Michael K. White and “The Republic of Love” by Nora Nadjarian: blueprintpress_micronovel

new “two”s will pop up every couple of days, check back or just follow the announcements on twitter and facebook.

enjoy the blueprints of 2 & have a double-happy august ~

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