Tuesday, December 28, 2010

winter world

this is our local forest, transformed to fairy land by the snow.


Jim Murdoch said...

How come we never get tired of looking at snow-covered branches? When you think about it when you've seen one you've seen 'em all and yet there is still a surprising amount of pleasure to be found in a simple photo like this.

Dorothee said...

it's true. i took a whole set of photos of snow-covered branches last week. and now: another set. but the current state of snow is special, and rather unusual.

E♦B said...

I enjoy visiting Virtualnotes to see the photographs. The winter forest is particularly striking - distant, ancient, archetypal. All I have to offer is our snow-covered Brooklyn street - two days after a blizzard (20+inches) still unplowed - peaceful and quiet.