this morning: Venus and the moon. you have to look twice to see Venus in the first photo, taken at 6.57. i probably would have missed her then, but the first time i looked out of the window, at 6.37, they both shone bright: die Venus und der Mond (in German, venus is female & the moon male). only that the photo didn't catch much else:

and a thing i am enjoying these days are: Podcasts. especially while doing repetetive web work (like resizing and filing a stack of photos for a presentation page etc). here are 2:
Teju Cole in A Room in London (link)
where he is talking about an East River evening in Queens
i read Teju Cole's novel "Open City" earlier this year, and the starting line of my blog post "Open City" - links, ponderings, troubled complacencies and.. probably sums a lot about the read up. "Open City - such a fine, different, thought-provoking book. here are some notes on it - usually I try to write one coherent blog post about the books i read, but that didn't really work for Open City. so this post is a combination of links, thoughts, notes, and two afterthoughts."
after reading the book, and having some kind of voice in mind while reading (and where do those voices come from / how does our mind create those?), it was so interesting to hear the real voice of the author.
Other People - a Podcast by Brad Listi (The Nervous Breakdown (link)
i read about the podcast before, and also listened to some episodes - and now was brought back there by the Rumpus Sunday Interview with Brad Listi, which came with this reading/listening manual:
"Listi founded and built The Nervous Breakdown, a massive online culture magazine that more or less functions as a literary community with contributors from all over the world. In 2010, the site also launched an imprint, TNB Books, to publish literary fiction and nonfiction. And, duh, he’s a writer. His debut novel Attention. Deficit. Disorder is a Los Angeles Times bestseller and his “brief, experimental memoir,” Possible Title nearly made me pee each time I read a new installment.
But wait! There’s more!
The whole reason you’re here reading this is because Listi’s Other People podcast, launched only a year ago, has reached it’s 100th episode. He publishes two in-depth and often hilariously inappropriate interviews with authors every single week. So read this interview and get to know a little about him and then go to Other People and listen to some awesome interviews with writers and then visit TNB to read some beautiful stuff that those writers have written and then sit in awe and wonder how the hell Brad Listi does everything that he does with only 24 hours in a day. Do those things in that order. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed."
and so i did. and i am glad for it.
now, off to some more listening and webbing.
beautiful photos, Dorothee
thanks! today Venus was up there again, but with more distance to the moon.
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