A-Z is for Archives
after coming across the A-Z Blogging Challenge earlier this week, i thought about it's alphabetic task: "for the month of April, blog daily, corresponding with the letters of the alphabet."
i never joined a challenge like this. daily photograph, daily moment, daily writing: those i know. but daily alphabetic post, in free format? where to start? --- it took a bit, but then i had the idea: since a while, i think of revisiting my published works (which is also one of my new-year resolutions: revisit).
but whenever i wonder about the same question: where to start? yes, i could start with the very first story and go from there, but that feels both bueraucratic and overwhelming. so maybe a month of 26 posts might be a good way to enter the archives.
here's my April plan:
each day, i will look for some works from the archive (preferably a combination of visual / photograph + story / poem) that start with the letter of the day. and in the background, use that browsing to start to assemble a list. so when all works out, April will be a colorful and suprising walk through archives. looking forward.
here's more about the challenge in the blueprint lit blog: A-Z Blogging Challenge
and here's the sign-up website - i'm A-Z Blogger #1486.
S is for Skies
and as it is friday... two skies from this week, for Skywatch Friday. i meant to put them online in larger size, one underneath the other, but when uploading files they first appeared like that. which is more interesting, i think: they are actually taken from the same window, one with a morning view to the left, one with an evening view to the right.
A nice post, well done!
Great photos!
beautiful photos! good luck on the April A-Z Challenge. I tried a 30-day challenge once, was not successful. :)hope yours will be.
thanks for the feedback and the good-luck wishes! will report back on sky fridays :)
Stunning shots. Happy sky watching.
My sky.
Wonderfully captured views!
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