Thursday, July 10, 2008

One Supervalent Omnivoracious Word

what i am reading this week... 3 links i came across.

Omnivoracious - a joined book blog run by amazon editors, coming with slightly overhung reflections on booker price vs. genre novels: wednesday and slightly wasted

Supervalent Thought - a research blog about attachment / detachment, recent posts include an interesting analyzis of romantic ideology: the inevitable sex and city post

One Word Aloud - a blog that offers some peeks into the world of nursery. added to it, a podcast page with an essay about failure as a life coping technique: Fail

and because they so strangely matched, 2 lines from those pages, interweaved - the first line is from the nursery blog, the second from the sex and city post:

Anyone who claims to understand, just by belief alone, how and why life is as it is, is hiding in a fearsome simplicity. - They track the effects of their failure but absolutely refuse to take the cure.

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